A Single Step
Welcome to my quest to become an internet marketing Jedi. Follow me as I learn SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Niche Marketing and other online money-making strategies. Hopefully, some of you will learn from my baby-steps. Perhaps, one day, when I've mastered all this, I'll teach you.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Blogger Networking Tip

Here's a little something I've decided I should do to help myself network with other bloggers and get my name out there and get noticed.  I've been listening to a lot of internet marketing podcasts and reading a lot of articles to learn how to do all this stuff and it's been suggested that networking with other bloggers is a good way to get started in this business.  I was listening to Pat Flynn's podcast - I think he was interviewing the guy from thinktraffic.com - and they were talking about how, when you're just starting out, it's going to take some time for the internet to notice you.  You can't expect to get great search results and start making money for at least six months after you launch your website unless you really know what you're doing and even then, it takes a while to get going.  They suggested that networking with other bloggers is something you can start doing right away to help get your name out there and build some cred and learn a few things.  

Here's my tip; here's what I've decided to start doing and I think you should do it, too:  Whenever you learn something from an article or a podcast or any time you find some valuable information anywhere, leave a comment about it.  At the very least, thank the person who gave you the valuable information you've learned.  If you learn something from an article, leave a comment.  Liked the podcast you just listened to?  Give the podcaster a good review.  Hopefully, you'll be able to link your name to your blog or website so if anyone clicks on your name (like maybe the author of the article or the podcaster) they'll be taken to your blog/site and maybe they'll mention you in one of their posts/podcasts or maybe they'll at least leave a comment on your blog, which will create a nice back-link.

That's it.  If you learn something from an article or podcast or whatever, leave a comment/review.  At the very least, thank the guy/woman.  I just thought of this recently, so I haven't put it into practice, but I really think it's a good idea to help with networking.

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