A Single Step
Welcome to my quest to become an internet marketing Jedi. Follow me as I learn SEO, Affiliate Marketing, Niche Marketing and other online money-making strategies. Hopefully, some of you will learn from my baby-steps. Perhaps, one day, when I've mastered all this, I'll teach you.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Off-page SEO From Memory

Hey, all.  Time to test my knowledge of off-page SEO by writing as much as I know about it without looking at my notes (which will be easy to resist since I LOST MY F@$&ING IPOD THIS WEEKEND!).  Here goes:

Again, SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization; it's the things you do to show search engines that your site is authoritative and relevant to someone who searches for your kind of site.  There's On-page SEO and Off-page SEO.  On-page SEO is things you do ON your site to show the search engines that your site is relevant.  It mostly involves finding your key words/key-word phrases and using them to tweak your HTML code (the computer language all websites are based on.

Off-page SEO is what you do to show that your site is authoritative; that you know what your talking about and other people look to you for answers.  You do this mostly by creating back-links.  A back-link is when another website posts a link that leads people to YOUR website.  If someone else links to your site, it probably means they think you know what you're talking about.  A back-link is like a vote in favor of your site.  The more back-links you get, the more popular and therefore authoritative you appear to be.  Now, the QUALITY of your back-links actually counts MORE than the quantity.  As I've said before, one back-link from a highly respected site within your niche is worth 100 back-links from a bunch of sites no one's ever heard of.  

The best way I know of to create back-links is with a link-wheel.  I heard about this from Pat Flynn on his website.  Off the top of my head, it goes something like this:  The technique is double-layered, which is what I like about it.  He uses Web 2.0 sites like Squidoo.  Those are the first layer.  He writes an article and then uses special software to spin it into several different versions of the same article.  He then submits those articles to different websites in the second layer and those sites link to the Web 2.0 sites in the first layer which then links back to him.  I can't remember it too well off the top of my head.

Other ways to create back-links include leaving meaningful comments on other people's blogs, writing and submitting articles to directories, and guest-blogging on someone else's site.

That's all I've got for now.  Guess I need to study this part more.  Sorry; I've just lost a lot of motivation since I lost my iPod with all my notes and ideas and stuff on it.  Now's not the time to replace it, either, 'cause I'm moving back home to the states soon.  I'm better off waiting until I get home.

Anyway, maybe I'll come back and expand on this later if I remember more stuff. Wish me luck, guys.

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